Super Paulino was adapted by Scott Smallwood from the game Super Sparty Bros, originally created by Brian Winn and Greg Kozma at Michigan State University. New musical "note/score collection" mechanics, custom sprites, and level design was implemented by Scott Smallwood, with further level design, sound design, and programming by Catherine Bevan. The game was designed with the idea that students could each create their own set of sounds for each level, exercising and demonstrating both sound design and compositional skills in a variety of styles. As Super Paulino collects notes, she turns on sounds that are part of a multipart composition, unlocking sonic layers that come together at the end of each level. All sounds were created by University of Alberta students, as follows:
As of 2019, this game is also available to play on a hardware arcade machine on the University of Alberta campus, located in the ped-way between the Hub Mall and the Fine Arts Building (FAB). |